This morning the city almost looks normal. Yesterday the typhoon hit the island. There are still people walking around with brooms, trying to clean up and helping each other. Dead leaves, road signs, broken glass, ad signs, plastic bottles and even food are all over the streets. Men are shoveling water. Policemen stand in the middle of the boulevards. Women wearing pink gloves are multitasking. We are stuck in traffic.
Like it happened to nearly everyone, water flooded in my apartment and I spent most of yesterday worrying. It was pouring rain the whole day, impossible to even see anything from my window. All I could hear was the wind whistling through the entire building. When you almost can’t open your door, that’s scary.
An hour after it stopped I went down the street to survey the damages. A tragedy. It’s frightening to realize that there are (have been and will be!) much worse natural disasters! Cars were piled up on top of each other or upside down. Entire stores were flooded. Broken windows. Trash all over the streets. People looking sorry and helpless in the sight of such a sad picture.
They say it’s the worst one in 80 years. Some people have died. Others are hurt. Some lost their shop while others are still cleaning up their home. It was nothing like a tsunami, drought or even hurricane Katrina, but it was definitely something. Mother nature is strong; we are so weak compared to her. Yet we defy her everyday through careless actions. But… watcha gonna do!? You can check out all the pictures I took here (